I so enjoy listening to poetry being read by the poet, it gives me a further insight into how they intended it be heard.

The words say so much more than their first meaning, and speak to me in strange ways. I spent some time in Tokyo for work many years ago and it reminded me of that time, but also where I am now, in Wales, where I don’t yet have full command of Welsh, and don’t yet comprehend all the cultural nuances. I’ll get there, for I am staying. Wales has captivated me, in all its glory.

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„Flickering visions, monochrome specters—

The echoes of history burst in sparks of static,

names and faces dissolve like smoke,“ So good!! Great work!

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Yeah . . . I was thinking of it like walking into old b/w footage from Vietnam, absorbed into the static of the television screen. My ideal graphic would be something "Videodrome"-y. It's hard to capture: a boy and then a man dissolve into the b/w pixels of that violent and troubled place. I'd love to hear your thoughts ;)

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That sounds amazing. I have to think about it a bit so I can give you a proper view of my thoughts.

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You are an 😇 😊

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Very nice combination of poetry, photography, and prose!

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Thanks so much Josh. Yes - jumping into the multi-modal following your lead! I hope you will enjoy the poems to come just as much. It means a lot to me to have you reading.

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Great poem.

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Thanks man. Getting into the voiceover work too. I'm told I have this kind of Johnny Cash tenor. I'm gonna keep tryin' it out!

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sparks of static,

names and faces dissolve like smoke,

Boys sent forth, swallowed into the electric ⚡️

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